Just as the Cetaceans are the Earth’s Record Keepers
living in the Oceans, do you know that the TREES are the
Record Keepers living on Land?
The Trees comprise a “vast underground communication
network” system that transmits information so that all Trees,
everywhere on Earth, know instantly all that occurs. They are
Living Libraries embodied in bark that we, as humans, can
easily “tap” into (note the term “tap root” — we can tap into
their vast library). Their “line” is always open to us, so tap into
it — they are eagerly awaiting our call. They are waiting for us
to acknowledge them as the Tree People.
For uncensored worldwide news and answers to any
question, Hug a Tree — it not only saves paper, but their lives
as well.
Trees also give us our oxygen
From Tree Talk Book
Dianna Robbins
download pdf